David A. Brown Middle School

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COUNSELORS CORNER! » College and Career

College and Career

These are the "a-g requirements" to get into a University of California or California State University.  The grey colored caps are recommended years for that subject.  The black colored caps are the required number of years for that subject.
Should you have questions, please feel free to ask one of the counselors to explain these requirements.


Here you will find links and resources that will help you discover more about your college and career interests!



Starting during the 2019-2020 school year LEUSD began implementing a new college and career program called CCGI (California College Guidance Initiative).

This year, DAB students created their accounts and used CCGI to learn about their learning styles, college search tools, interest’s profiler, and to make a journal entry.

Using CCGI, students can take career assessments and use search tools to develop college majors and make career lists, write goals and journals, track activities, and read a variety of age-appropriate content to develop and explore their knowledge. All students have an account. Their username and password are the same as their LEUSD email address & password. Visit CCGI today at https://www.californiacolleges.edu


California State College System https://www2.calstate.edu/


University of California College System https://www.universityofcaliforni