David A. Brown Middle School

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David A Brown PTSA

(Parent Teacher Student Association)


It’s time to join the DAB PTSA!

$8.00 to join & remember it’s great for your student to join as well!

At DAB the PTSA works alongside the administration to enhance the school year by supporting events, activities, clubs, and our staff.  Joining MAKES A DIFFERENCE!!

5 Great Reasons to Join the PTSA

·         Students are part of an organization

PTSA is the largest child advocate organization nationally!  This is amazing for college applications, scholarship offers, and future jobs!

·         It Benefits Your Child

Research shows that children perform better when parents are involved at both home and school

·         Get Connected

There is no better way to know what’s happening at school

·         Tap into a Network

PTA connects you to other parents and teachers through meetings, events, and communication, helping to build a sense of community

·         Witness Improvement

By getting involved with PTA you’ll be a part of the solution -- helping to make positive changes



 Complete this flyer, attach your membership money, and turn in to the front office, OR

go online to https://jointotem.com/ca/wildomar/david-a-brown-middle-ptsa/join                    

Every membership counts!

Member Name: ____________________________________

Member Name: ____________________________________

Member Name: ____________________________________

Email: ______________________ Phone: _______________

Number of Members______ at $8.00 each   Total $_____________